
Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Walht: Find the theme in a text.

Comparing and contrasting

Walht find and compare information from two similar articles.

Looking good Feeling fine.

Looking Good Feeling Fine   ... Feeling Fine   - Looking Good.

Comparing and Contrasting Information

Walht:  Locate key information from two different sources to compare and contrast the information they provide and then to use that information to synthesize.

Thursday, 10 November 2016

Choices, Judgement and life after death.

WALHT: Using some of these words, write a sentence that describes the relationship between the person one becomes in life. and one's life after death.

Choices, Judgement and life after death. As our time on earth is at the end, God will judge you in the Purgatory and see how you lived your life on earth if you have done either something good or bad.

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Choices, Judgment Life after Death

1) Explain what is meant by judgement.
Screenshot 2016-11-02 at 9.53.09 AM.pngA judgement is when people judge about a person on how they look,what they wear or just by the attitude or choice's that they choose to make.
2) Explain the relationship between the choices people make each day and life after day. You would be judged by by God whether you have done right or wrong during life on earth.
3) Recognise the importance of examining one's conscience hingaro to determine the direction of one's life. Conscience is what we have to help us make our own choices and what attitude and choices we make.