
Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Walht: Find the theme in a text.

Comparing and contrasting

Walht find and compare information from two similar articles.

Looking good Feeling fine.

Looking Good Feeling Fine   ... Feeling Fine   - Looking Good.

Comparing and Contrasting Information

Walht:  Locate key information from two different sources to compare and contrast the information they provide and then to use that information to synthesize.

Thursday, 10 November 2016

Choices, Judgement and life after death.

WALHT: Using some of these words, write a sentence that describes the relationship between the person one becomes in life. and one's life after death.

Choices, Judgement and life after death. As our time on earth is at the end, God will judge you in the Purgatory and see how you lived your life on earth if you have done either something good or bad.

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Choices, Judgment Life after Death

1) Explain what is meant by judgement.
Screenshot 2016-11-02 at 9.53.09 AM.pngA judgement is when people judge about a person on how they look,what they wear or just by the attitude or choice's that they choose to make.
2) Explain the relationship between the choices people make each day and life after day. You would be judged by by God whether you have done right or wrong during life on earth.
3) Recognise the importance of examining one's conscience hingaro to determine the direction of one's life. Conscience is what we have to help us make our own choices and what attitude and choices we make.

Monday, 29 August 2016

Speed typing!

The Graph shows that Williams speed for typing has increased across the 6 weeks. He began with  taking 16 minutes in week one to decreasing that time to 10 minutes  after 6 weeks.  

Walht: create graphs using a spreadsheet and to analyse data in those displays.

Time Series chart

Screenshot 2016-08-29 at 9.18.40 AM.png

This graph shows the amount of rainfall recorded across a week.  The highest rainfall was recorded on Tuesday a 7 mm.

Walht: create graphs using a spreadsheet and to analyse data in those displays.

Time Chart.

Walht: create graphs using a spreadsheet and to analyse data in those displays.
                                                                                                             Screenshot 2016-08-29 at 9.19.24 AM.png
This graph shows that Emily began weight building which is creating muscles to get stronger
and fitter. In the graph it shows that her weight went from 40 kg to 49 kg.

Friday, 19 August 2016

Data Graph

WALHT: Enter data into a spreadsheet and to graph that information
WALHT: Analyse and discuss data displays.

The data shows that this students began with a score of 17 and the following week dropped back to 0. Consecutive weeks show marked improvement and consistency.

Friday, 17 June 2016

A day at Technicraft!

Today at Technicraft, I made an Electronic quiz game. We were continuing from last week's work. We added a border and used a hot poker pen to add another design on it. We all had to finish off creating the quiz game before we could bring it home. We created a stand using blocks of wood so it could stand properly while we played the quiz game. Then some of us had to fix our wiring because it had collapsed or broken off. We also used a wire piece of iron and an ironing pen to fix them together.  

Watch my blog next week to see the finished product.

Thursday, 9 June 2016

What are spiders?

Spiders are 8 legged Arachnids. They live in most habitats on earth but not in polar regions.  This tells us that they do not like the cold temperatures.

They mainly feed on small insects. Big spiders eat small animals such as:
-Small Lizards, Frogs and Birds. Spiders use hydrostatic pressure to extend their legs. Its behaviour reacts to what is going on around them. They hunt at any time of day and night. They use there spider webs to catch them. Spiders do not also just use their webs that way, but can also swing down using its web to sneak up on prey. They have more than one eye, but four or more. By using their eyes, they can use this skill to hunt for prey around them wherever they are. Spiders move fast, others move faster and some jump really high and some are good hunters. Some are small or big spiders. Spiders are fascinating creatures and are important to the environment because it catches pests that are some that are causing trouble to our houses like Woodlice who eat the wood from our houses, Flies because they give out germs and germs to our food when they step on things we eat or use. Some spiders are known to be dangerous because, of the venom that they can inject into anyone or anything. Some spiders only attack because of the instincts they have that something bigger than them or dangerous is about to attack. Bigger spiders are known to be deadly because of the number of killing they have created.

Spiders could inject the venom to their prey through their front spiked teeth. Bigger spiders have the advantage to take on smaller animals. Smaller spiders are keen on feeding on smaller on insects or bugs.

WALHT: Identify key ideas and use them to write and information report.

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Using a series of circuits.

WALHT: make a procedure  of what we have learned at Tech.

Friday, 15 April 2016

Room 8 Quiz!

Today in Multi media class, I have been learning to use for religious Education God strand.

Loupe Collage

Today in multimedia class, I have been using Loupe Collage using the ripper rugby photo's.

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

God strand.

For R.E we are learning about God's desire of humanity and Jesus' virtues and his actions.

Wednesday, 16 March 2016


Things you will need:
>A yogurt container.
>A pin.

16 Mar 2016 14:08:38.jpg

1. First place your yogurt container upside down.
2. Than use use your pin to make holes on for drainage of water. Test if the water drains.
3. Put some dirt inside.
4. Put a plant inside your cup and put some of the soil around it to help grow.

5. Than give it some water (But not to much) and give it some sun light.  

Monday, 14 March 2016

Mission Charism!

Walht: Identify the qualities of Euphrasie Barbier.

My term 1 goals!

This robot is fast!


As part of our reading program we use Kiwi Kids news to learn more about what is happening nationally and internationally in the world.

Walht: Think critically about what we read.
      1. Find a quote from the main person in this news article.
Two scientists have developed a record breaking robot that can solve a rubik's cube in 1. 019 seconds.
     2. In your own words describe what happened in this news article.
Two scientists have developed a fast record breaking robot to shatter the rubik's cube record and hope the latest effort will go into the record books.

The previous quickest time broken by a robot was 2. 39 seconds. The fastest time for a human to solve a rubik's cube was 4.9 seconds.
3. Find out where this news article took place.
At a science lab in there house.
4. Tell us when this event happened and explain what will happen in the future.
It happened in February the 1st 2016. They might develop a more faster robot to break the record again in the future.
5. Explain in your own words why this took place.
It took place so that the record could be broken again by a robot.


World's tallest horse!

Screenshot 2016-02-24 at 2.06.58 PM.png
As part of our reading program we use Kiwi Kids news to learn more about what is happening nationally and internationally in the world.

Wahlt: Think critically about what we read.

  1. Find a quote from the main person in this news article.
The 11-year-old Belgian gelding has taken the ​title of the world’s tallest living horse in the Guinness World Records.

    2. In your own words describe what happened in this news article.
Big Jake is the tallest horse in the world.
The 11-year-old Belgian gelding has taken the ​title of the world’s tallest living horse in the Guinness World Records.
Jake weighs 2600 pounds, wow that's amazing! Jack is strictly on a healthy diet. He has to eat 11/2 bales of hay and also 40 quarters of oats per day. Jake has the biggest stall.
His stall is about 20x20 but normal stalls are 12x12. But when he is needed to be transported to other places his owner uses a semi trailer.
   3. Find out where this news article took place.
It happened at a farm.
   4. Tell us when this event happened and explain what will happen in the future.
March 8, 2016.
   5. Explain in your own words why this event took place.
It took place to celebrate the Jake was announced the biggest horse in the world.